› added 6 years ago


TIL happy cows actually do produce better milk. Higher levels of serotonin (a chemical associated with feelings of happiness), led to improved blood calcium in cows, reducing chance of disease and improving nutritional quality of the milk.

JY9jV TIL of Alexei Berest, who was the Soviet soldier that raised the flag over the Reichstag during the Battle of Berlin. He was not given recognition for his role in lifting the flag for unknown reasons. He later died in 1970 after saving a child from being hit by a train.
e0p4L Yes. Marc Levine, the chief of gastrointestinal radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that a competitive eater’s stomach works more like an expanding balloon than a squeezing sac.
OolEa TIL No authentic writings of Pythagoras have survived. Almost nothing is known for certain about his life. The earliest source describes Pythagoras helping a dog that had been beaten. Pythagoras thought he could recognise his friend's voice in the dog's cries.
1a8VX TIL none of the Beatles knew how to read or write music. They started writing songs by modeling them after chord progressions and structures of tunes they knew. Then they began to change them to develop their own style. Paul McCartney said, "I don’t see music as dots on a page. It's in my head."
R5aGj TIL that the term "electricity" is derived from the Greek word "elektron," which means "amber." This is because amber is a type of fossilized tree resin that can produce static electricity when it is rubbed with a cloth.