› added 6 years ago


TIL The only pharmaceutical company in the US that manufactured coral snake antivenom has stopped doing so because it isn't profitable. There is no know date for when new antivenom will be available.

AN94a TIL that there was a man who survived the towers collapsing on 9/11, then after walking aimlessly through the city had a chance encounter with the entire cast of Everybody loves Raymond who then housed, fed, and clothed him until he could return home safely to Staten Island the next morning .
pYERN Today I learned that Bernard Loiseau, a famous French chef, committed suicide in 2003 shortly after receiving a negative review. Loiseau was the inspiration for the character of Chef Gusteau in Pixar's Ratatouille.
Wjbo TIL McDonald’s was originally “McDonald’s Bar-B-Que” until they realized that its main profit came from hamburgers, then they closed the place for 2 months and changed the food they served to just hamburgers, french fries, shakes, soft drinks, and apple pie, and also made the idea of fast food.
69dwJ TIL King Henry II of France participated in a jousting tournament in 1559 to celebrate the marriage of his daughter. A lance splintered on his helmet and pushed wood into his eye and brain. He died ten days later. His death led to the decline of jousting in France.
NXgnE TIL that the Giants and Dodgers used to be based in New York and Brooklyn respectively. For different reasons they both coincidentally moved to the West Coast around the same time, continuing their same-state rivalry