› added 2 years ago


TIL research found that 94% of British people said they had conversed about the weather in the past six hours, and 38% said they had in the past 60 minutes. This means at any moment in the UK, a third of the population is either talking about the weather, has already done so or are about to do so.

VML94 TIL a town bully who was a pedohile, a thief, a stalker, an intimidator & and attempted murdered, always escaped the law. Then one day, he was shot dead in broad daylight. There were over 40 witnesses but nobody would identify the killer because they felt he got what he deserved.
awrdJ TIL that over 50% of all outdoor hockey rinks, and over 40% of all indoor hockey rinks are in Canada.
7jR7 TIL In 1713, Venetian Baroque composer Giuseppe Tartini had the devil come to him in a dream where he played the violin with such virtuosity that the composer felt enchanted. Upon awakening, Tartini in an attempt to recreate what he had heard composed his greatest piece, which to him didn’t compare.
8LPX TIL Blackbeard was remarkably judicious in his use of force. In dozens of eyewitness accounts, there is not a single instance in which he killed anyone prior to his final, fatal battle with the Royal Navy. “I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence that Blackbeard ever used violence against anyone.”
KY9rQ TIL that a year after he accidentally solved two famously unsolved statistical problems by mistaking them for homework, George Dantzig's same two proofs were accepted as his thesis; his 'unsolved problem' story loosely served as the setup for the plot of Good Will Hunting.