› added 4 years ago


TIL the arteries of the blue whale—the largest living creature on earth—are so big that a full-sized human being could swim through them. Blue whales can grow to over 100 ft long, and weigh over 100 tons. Their hearts can weigh up to 1,300 lb—with aortas over 9 inches in diameter & HR of 8-10 bpm.

dv1r TIL that three people in a flight simulator died after a real plane crashed into the building
665Y TIL Pope Innocent VIII was given the blood of 3 young boys while in a coma in an attempt to save his life. All four died.
Brdyd TIL German chocolate cake isn't German. It's named after a guy named German.
m189v TIL: Coastal species are using plastic trash as rafts to spread across the oceans
lolpa TIL white people make up 6.5% of the total world population