› added 3 years ago


TIL "What We Do in the Shadows" once aired an episode revealing the email address for Colin Robinson (an Energy Vampire who feeds by boring people) and viewers who emailed him received a newsletter in return. The newsletter included articles such as, "The Joy, Comfort and Utility of the Fanny Pack".

5YjBQ TIL that Mary, Queen of Scots, was raised in France, was married to the French king, and signed documents that any son she bore would rule both realms. But for Elizabeth I's outmaneuvering of her rival, Scotland might well have spent the past four centuries as part of France instead of Britain.
AN9Xn TIL During World War II, Nazi Germany planned to cripple the U.S. war effort by attacking the Pennsylvania Railroad's four-track mainline at Horseshoe Curve. The agents came over by U-Boat, but were stopped by the FBI. Had it succeeded, U.S. supply lines to Europe could have been badly disrupted.
P1epZ TIL loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day
epnpb TIL Rodney King died in 2012. He was found underwater at the bottom of his swimming pool. He died 28 years to the day after his father, Ronald King, was found dead in his bathtub in 1984.
A94o TIL there are two 1993 pornographic parody films of the Super Mario Bros. video games, titled ‘Super Hornio Brothers’ I & II. In order to halt their distribution, Nintendo purchased the rights to the series, making it the family-friendly company’s first foray into the adult film industry.