› added 3 years ago


TIL in the song (Don't Fear) The Reaper, which in its lyrics claim 40,000 men and women die every day, is a very low estimate - in 1976 when the song was released, it was over 100,000 more than that daily.

ADMZo TIL Since both creative people and schizophrenics have fewer D2 receptors in the striatum, researchers suggest that their brains do not filter out as much information as other people’s brains do. For creative people, this means they can come up with solutions and ideas that other people may not.
ZW6R TIL in 2010, Guinness competitive eater record holder Takeru Kobayashi was arrested for trespassing & obstructing government administration at the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. When Nathans removed him from their Wall of Fame, the contest lost multiple sponsorships & 41% viewer ratings in 2 years
P1AnJ TIL a potato chip called The Whole Shabang was made for American prisons. The chips, described as a combination of salt & vinegar and BBQ, were so popular among ex-inmates that a gray market sprung up to get them out of prisons. The manufacturer finally started selling them to the public in 2016.
GK97 TIL that after the bombing of Hiroshima, there were “ant-walking alligators” that the survivors saw everywhere, men and women who “were now eyeless and faceless — with their heads transformed into blackened alligator hides displaying red holes, indicating mouths.”
Nb9b TIL that James Gordon Wolcott, age 15, brutally murdered his parents and sister in Georgetown, TX in 1967, but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. He is now a doctor of psychology and tenured professor at Millikin University in Illinois.