› added 4 years ago


TIL that while a Danish is the name famously used to refer to the sweet pastry, they're actually called Wienerbrød (Viennese bread) locally because of the Austrian bakers that introduced them to Denmark in the 19th century.

LEmm TIL - The only Jewish Community to not lose a single Person to the Holocaust was in the Greek island of Zakynthos - Nazi’s demanded the Bishop to write the names down but were handed a paper with only the Bishop’s and Mayor’s name on it
4ka6g TIL that during the Cephalonia massacre in WWII, after executing most of the Italian officers that had surrendered to them, the Germans forced 20 Italian sailors to take the bodies out to sea in rafts. They then blew up the rafts with the sailors still on them.
DQyg TIL that during WW2, American and Australian troops developed a hybrid version of their respective types of football. To make the game fair to both sides, players were awarded a mark after either a caught kick or a thrown pass. The game was known as Austus.
bQP0 TIL Hugo Boss founded his company in 1924, ten years later advertising that he had been a “supplier for National Socialist uniforms since 1924”, eventually used POW’s and forced laborers for mass production.
jN59n TIL of the Johnson gang. Travelling criminals from Gloucestershire, UK who specialised in stealing fine art and antiques from English country manors over a period of 20 years. The goods they stole are valued between £30 - £80 million. The gang were sentenced to a total of 49 years in prison in 2008.