› added 4 years ago


TIL Before Houdini died, he and his wife agreed that if Houdini found it possible to communicate after death, he would communicate the message "Rosabelle believe", a secret code which they agreed to use. Rosabelle was their favorite song.

r9Jo TIL Benjamin Franklin published a paper where he discovered that America’s population growth was so fast, it would surpass Britain in 100 years. This alarmed British leadership and was a factor in their oppression of the colonies.
neNQW TIL of Dmitry Shparo, who against the USSR's will, skied to the North Pole twice in freezing weather and darkness. He also had a Ph.D. in Mathematics, skied across the Bering Strait, and founded an organization that helps disabled athletes go on adventures.
b9OON TIL Ants are skilled farmers. Many species of ants purposely grow an edible fungus inside the nest that the ants feed upon, to ensure that the nest isn't wiped out by starvation when food is scarce.
GO7N TIL that having held military positions that required him to be, in his own words, “tough” and “mean”, “the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, etc.”, Bob Ross decided that if he ever left the military, he would never scream again.
aXa9 TIL of an area in Ohio called Helltown. It became abandoned in the 1970’s when the US government drove citizens from their homes through eminent domain to form national parks. One poor soul scrawled, “This is how the Indians must have felt” on the wall of his former home.