› added 4 years ago


TIL that Lynx Rufus (aka the bobcat) is 2 to 3 times the size of a domestic cat and has been around for nearly 1.8 million years and can be found across North America and Mexico.

AVmx TIL that in September 1950, the US Navy sprayed San Francisco with “harmless” bacteria to simulate a biological attack. The not-so-harmless bacteria caused a spike in a rare UTI, killing one man. A lawsuit against the government was rejected on the grounds that the government held legal immunity.
0r6p TIL in 2006 over a 1000 toads swelled up to 3 times their size and exploded with no apparent reason, causing panic at the possibility of a new virus. The real reason? Local crows had figured out how to peck out the frog’s highly nutritious liver while avoiding their poisonous skin
7rD5O TIL A study showed that people who drank 32 ounces of energy drinks in an hour had abnormal electrical activity in their hearts and higher blood pressure four hours later. About 30% of Americans ages 12 through 17 regularly consume energy drinks, linked to increased emergency room visits and death
wLdaW TIL because of its unique venom delivery system, the stiletto snake (newly-discovered earlier this year) is almost impossible to hold safely in the usual way (fingers behind the head) without being bitten. It is capable of stabbing with its independently protruding fangs while its mouth is closed.
D1Vwp TIL On June 3 1989 Chinese troops opened fire on students protesting in Tienanmen Square, a place whose name translates to "The Gate of Heavenly Peace" and the news of this event is still censored by the Chinese government