› added 2 years ago


TIL that Whitney Houston's performance of The Star Spangled Banner - widely regarded as the greatest of all time - was not live, but pre-recorded. She sang into a dead microphone and audiences at home were fed the pre-taped track.

BrvPK TIL: Klaus Kinski was described as 'one of the greatest actors of the century, but he was also a monster and a great pestilence' who caused filmaker Werner Herzog to try to murder him. Spielberg offered Kinski the lead in Indiana Jones, to be told 'This script is a yawn-making, boring, pile of shit'
9YvW6 TIL that "Lucy's Law" is set to come into force, effectively banning the sale of puppies and kittens by third parties in the UK to stop puppy farms. Inspired by 'Lucy the Rescue Cavalier' a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel rescued from one such puppy farm-turned doggy activist
R7wr9 TIL In 1941, some Soviet tanks were so superior to German ones, that a single KV tank stalled the German advance for a full day while being attacked by a variety of anti-tank weapons and was overrun only because it finally ran out of ammunition
8XjZ TIL Gaius gracchus, the ancient roman politician, had a bounty put on his head to the price of the head’s weight in gold. Although the head was delivered, the prize was never paid, as it was discovered that Gaius’ captor had emptied out his brain and replaced it with molten lead.
LklKQ TIL Charles Darwin wrote a pros and cons of marriage ( including the positivity of “female chit-chat) before marrying his cousin