› added 3 years ago


TIL each of the main musketeers in Dumas's "The Three Musketeers" is based on a real person. Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan was indeed a Captain of the Musketeers under Louis XIV. and even served Cardinal Mazarin in espionage. His memoirs inspired the whole of the D'Artagnan romances.

1ajdX TIL that The Irish parliament recently spent €808,000 on a new printer, and when they discovered it didn’t fit they spent another €236,000 moving walls and reinforcing the building. It remains unused as staff refuse to operate it without a pay rise.
VMW8D TIL Armadillo shells are capable of deflecting bullets. A Texan man who tried to shoot an armadillo found himself in the hospital after the bullet bounced back off the animal and hit him in the face.
XE7br TIL a software developer once tested asking for donations vs. limiting trial version features. He randomly gave people either a version that asks for a donation, or one that is feature-limited. The feature-limited version made five times as much money, and the experiment cost him $17,000 in sales.
wLB78 TIL when your immune system fights an infection, it cranks up the mutation rate during antibody production by a factor of 1,000,000, and then has them compete with each other. This natural selection process creates highly specific antibodies for the virus.
ADyvB TIL American muffins are actually individual "quickbreads" or oil cakes (like zucchini bread), making them essentially cupcakes. English muffins are griddled flatbreads, which is why they are chemically and nutritionally more similar to pita or pizza than to American muffins.