› added 9 years ago


TIL in the alternate ending of The Lion King, Scar defeats Simba by throwing him off Pride Rock to his apparent death. A fire then consumes Scar who stands there, laughing manically, while he burns to death. It was deemed “too dark” for a Disney film.

RDw6 TIL German shepherds where renamed to “Alsatian Wolf Dog” after World War I due to the anti-German sentiment of the era.
Z8lLR TIL that in 2003, MTV aired an adult cartoon called Clone High which features clones of historical figures in high school. It was canceled after one season because it caused mass protest in India and even hunger strikes over its portrayal of Ghandi as a party animal
X4jX TIL that the ancient board game “Go” was being played at a tournament in Hiroshima in 1945, when the atomic bomb went off only 3 miles way. Though the building was damaged and people were injured, they finished the match later that same afternoon (white won)
JyNB TIL that Microsoft Engineers received (anonymized) every query that you asked of Clippy. A lonely woman poured out her every fear and her loneliness to that paperclip while the MS engineers could do nothing but watch her life unfold, one line at a time.
p8MBG TIL that there is now unrefutable evidence that confirms the validity of the previously-labeled "absurd" theory that humans existed in the Americas before the end of the last ice age, further suggesting that a cataclysmic event could have wiped out a previously unknown civilization