› added 7 years ago


TIL after escaping an Australian prison, 6 starving convicts cannibalized the dying men 1 by 1 til the last survivor was captured. He escaped jail again with 1 man, then killed & ate him despite having other food left, saying human meat was “delicious” & better than fish or pork

d8yvZ TIL that the live penguins that starred in Batman Returns (1992) had their own refrigerated dressing rooms and a swimming pool. The set was kept cold for them. Danny DeVito was the only one who was comfortable, because of the extensive face prosthetics, heavy padding, and heavy coat he had to wear.
0dPR TIL a prisoner was kept in a 9x7 cell w/no light, clock, or calendar. If he left his cell, he was fitted with goggles and headphones. He started having tics and unusual contortions of his body. He became convinced his lawyers were part of an interrogation program and his captors were protectors.
gMPJ8 TIL about the Moro people in the Philippines. These people have been at war for their independence for over four centuries, fighting the Spanish, the Americans, the Japanese and the current Philippines government.
9YmW7 TIL that George Takei respectfully declined an offer to voice himself in the Simpsons episode Marge vs. the Monorail because he didn't want to ridicule public transportation.
8KmV TIL the death of an Australian man, found stuffed into a zipped sleeping bag, his hands bound with zip-ties, his head in a balaclava, and his mouth stuffed with a rag and tightly covered in cling film, was ruled by police to be a suicide.