› added 7 years ago


TIL scientists believe that the primary cause of a puzzling decline in bee population is neonicotinoid pesticides. The pesticides–banned in Europe since 2013–decrease the sperm count of male bees by nearly 40 percent, as well as cutting their lifespan

lR11 TIL that a Texas man was executed for murdering his three children even after it was discovered that the prosecutor had hidden evidence from the defense that exonerated the man.
jg7R TIL when John F. Kennedy met Joseph Luns, the former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kennedy asked for his hobbies and he answered: “I fok horses”, Kennedy, struck with surprise responded: “Pardon?”, Luns replied: “Yes, paarden!”. ‘Fokken’ means 'to breed’, and 'horses’ means 'paarden’ in Dutch
EvGp TIL: Two kittens, and three men, crossed the Atlantic on a raft made of 9 telephone poles in 1956. The kittens were given to the Duke of Bedford, the Queen’s cousin, and lived out their days in luxury.
9YxVX TIL that during the Mexican-American War, General Santa Anna's prosthetic leg was stolen during an ambush by the Illinois 4th Infantry. He was able to get a replacement leg, which was also stolen by the 4th Infantry. Both legs are still on display in Illinois.
6oMJ TIL that exists a drum-solo loop known as the “Amen Break” considered one of the most used samples of digital history, you can hear it in the theme song of Futurama and it is the basis of a whole musical genre called Drum and Bass