› added 2 years ago


TIL in 1963, George Blonsky patented a table that used centrifugal force to assist in childbirth. The expectant mother would be strapped down and spun at high speed, and the baby caught in a net.

78gJM TIL That FDR proposed the ‘Four Policemen’ where the US, UK, Soviet Union and China would each would control and oversee their sphere of influence. Countries other than those four were to be disarmed. Only the Four Policemen would be allowed to possess any weapons more powerful than a rifle
OMvY TIL that in Germany it is not illegal to attemp a prison escape. The reason is because they believe it is “basic human instinct” to want to be free, and should therefore not be punished.
oRRl7 TIL in 2000 Michael Sheen punched actor Jeremy Northam (the Prime Minister in The Crown) for making his wife Kate Beckinsale cry. Northam followed Beckinsale back to her trailer screaming she had ruined his performance in a take, so Sheen punched him right on the nose.
jNxXQ TIL Cheetos were invented when an animal feed manufacturer in Wisconsin changed up their machine cleaning technique. They placed moist wheat on a grinder and found the grain puffed up when it came out. The company owner then took the end product, seasoned it, and invented the first cheese curl.
yQGv8 TIL that in the 50's NASA recruited Deaf people to research why they didn't get motion sickness. Tests included flights in 'Vomit Comet' and sailing in the rough seas (researchers got violently sick, while Deaf people just played cards happily).