› added 4 years ago


TIL that Diegetic music in a film or TV programme is part of the action and can be heard by the characters (car radio, night-club scene...), rather than being just for the people watching to hear, which is called non-diegetic sounds.

nebnB TIL of 4-7-8 breathing (inhale 4 seconds, hold 7 seconds, exhale 8 seconds, repeat). Based on pranayama breathing exercises, this "natural tranquilizer for the nervous system" activates the body's parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation) and suppresses the sympathetic nervous system (stress).
R5ka4 TIL the American forces prepping to invade Saipan in 1944 requested a flamethrower tank, but one had not yet been developed. So they bought 30 Ronson flamethrowers from Canada and mounted them onto M3 Stuart tanks, renaming them "M3 Satans"
BrBvd TIL of Noah Wall, the boy who grew a new brain. During a pregnancy scan, doctors found out that Noah had only 2% of his brain intact. Despite this, amazingly, at 2 years old his 2% brain had grown into 80%. Noah’s development over the years has been like that of a normal child.
LQogP TIL that libraries have to lease ebooks that self destruct after a certain amount of time or 26/52 checkouts
XEWbX TIL Studies of people who have experienced 'clinical death,' but were revived, found a common theme of a "Near Death Experience." Research has suggested that the hallucinogen DMT models this NDE very similarly, suggesting that a DMT experience is like unto the final moments of an individuals life.