› added 4 years ago


TIL that, in order to make their 1958 doc “White Wilderness” more riveting, Disney filmed lemmings running around to give the impression that they were “migrating,” before throwing them into a river to drown. Disney then pieced together this footage, and thus the myth of lemming suicides was born.

OoxZX TIL the German city of Frankfurt Am Main supplies heroin addicts with clean needles and tolerates the consumption of drugs in "shooting galeries" around the central station to control the city's drug scene. This approach is called the "Frankfurt way".
oRNEL TIL, 14-year-old Caleb Rebh accidentally choked himself to death while working as a scare actor after he had tied a noose around his neck to appear more scarier. While Caleb was struggling to untie the rope from his neck, no one helped him because they thought he was acting.
oBwrW TIL Sylvester H. Roper invented what may have been the first motorcycle. He died when he fell off his invention while racing riders on normal bicycles. The cause of death was found to be heart failure, although it is unknown if the crash was the cause of it, or if his heart failed before the crash.
Z8md4 TIL that the Oneida Community, a religious communal society in which older women acted as sexual "mentors" to adolescent boys, eventually dissolved and became a silverware company that is still in business today
8n1P TIL - Rick James (“Superfreak”) was in a band with Neil Young, Bruce Palmer (Buffalo Springfield) and Nick St. Nicholas (Steppenwolf) before having to serve a year in prison because he was actually AWOL from the navy