› added 6 years ago


TIL smokers who quit before 40 were found to live just as long as non-smokers. The average smoker who doesn't stop will lose 10 years on their life. A smoker who stops between the age of 35 and 40 can regain 9 of those years. Older smokers gained back 6 of those years.

neGVB TIL Billy Joel, 71 years old, did not graduate from high school until 1992, 25 years after he left his high school, when got finally earned his missing credits. He participated, gown and all, in the grad ceremony with kids less than half his age. It's never too late.
PXGg TIL about operation Vegetarian, a 1942 plan by the British military to drop linseed cakes infected with anthrax on German fields where they would be eaten by cows and thus infect the civilian population that ate them, the test site in Scotland remained uninhabitable until the 1990’s
Meb7b TIL Black garlic is simply garlic that has been left to ferment at high heat. It's loaded with nearly twice as many antioxidants as standard raw garlic and contains a naturally occurring compound called s-allylcysteine, a contributing component in cancer prevention, & lowers bad cholesterol
KV5J TIL in 1978, a US Navy ship was attacked by an unknown species of giant squid. Nearly all of the cuts found on the sonar dome contained remnants of sharp, curved claws found on suction cups of squid tentacles. The claws were much larger than those of any squid that had been discovered at that time.
XEpm6 TIL 1 gram of uranium 235 has 19,870,900,000 calories and would take over 50 million hours of cycling to burn off.