› added 6 years ago


TIL of Percy Terry, an American amateur researcher who tried to invent a bulletproof ointment in 1915. He tested his invention on himself by shooting his own face, resulting in a punctured cheek and a second try by shooting his own head with a gun which resulted in his death

R519 TIL in Japan, it is so common for people to die alone undiscovered for long periods, that they have a term for it, “Kodokushi”. “Their bodies lie in places undiscovered for long periods of time, and because of this, thick, dark stains shaped like a human body are left where their bodies once lay.”
D0pr TIL there is a rare incurable disease which turns muscles, tendons and ligaments into bone. It is called the Stone Man Syndrome.
p8aWN TIL near Frankfurt in central Germany, a cheese is served that is topped with raw onions, which is locally known as "hand cheese with music". When strangers ask why it is called this way, they are told "the music comes later". This is a running gag pointing at the farts caused by the onions.
6EvVJ TIL that despite it being common practice for casinos to ban card counters, a 1979 New Jersey Supreme Court decision banned all Atlantic City casinos from doing so, making them the only state in America where a casino is forbidden from throwing out skilled blackjack players.
M7oaK TIL about a two billion-year-old naturally occuring U235 nuclear reactor in Gabon, where unique geological conditions created a sustained nuclear reactor for 100,000 years