› added 4 years ago


TIL when Japanese actor Mako Iwamatsu, voice actor of Aku from Samurai Jack, and Iroh from Avatar, died in 2006, many of his voice roles were taken on by soundalike voice actor Greg Baldwin, who's voice was almost indistinguishable.

mYXo TIL that Charleston, AR was the first southern school system to integrate (not Little Rock, AR.) When asked how it could be done without violence, an attorney named Dale Bumpers said, “We’ll just do it.” The board integrated the schools without announcing it to the press, and there was no violence.
9gmQ TIL In November 1994, Tim Allen starred in the highest grossing film, Disney’s “The Santa Clause”, topped the New York Times best-seller list with his book “Don’t Stand Too Close to a Naked Man” and appeared in the top rated TV series “Home Improvement”, all within the span of one week.
VZ78 TIL When researching the film “Cast Away”, Screen writer William Broyal Jr deliberately stranded himself on an isolated island for one week to force himself to find food, water and obtain shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for Wilson.
woXDM TIL about Hagfish - They have a skull & no spine, no jaws & teeth on its tongue. It's unknown how they reproduce or how to tell one's age. They secrete a fiber reinforced 'slime' that researchers hope may innovate many future materials. In 300m years they have only evolved by losing their eyesight.
MeYEW TIL that Metallica’s Lars Ulrich attended Napster co-founder Sean Parker’s wedding