› added 4 years ago


TIL it takes about 37 gallons of water to make a single roll of toilet paper, and the average person uses 384 trees worth of toilet paper in their lifetime.

janQ TIL a popular Christmas decoration in the Nordics, the Yule Goat, is a tradition going back to pre-Christian days. A popular prank was to place a goat made of straw in your neighbour’s house without them noticing, and the victim would then repeat the act
E1ymx TIL for decades, the only "premature wards" in the US were carnival attractions at Coney Island and World's Fairs. From the 1890s-1930s, the "Incubator Exhibits" saved thousands of babies' lives, at no charge to the parents. All costs were paid by entrance fees.
75nO TIL that “The Hound” is the same man responsible for the word “Yarp”. Actor Rory McCann played both Sandor “The Hound” Clegane in “Game of Thrones”, and Michael “Lurch” Armstrong the stock-boy/henchman in “Hot Fuzz”.
W7LD4 TIL of Edward Whalley and William Goffe who fled to America after helping to execute King Charles I. They were hunted across several states by vengeful royal agents of Charles II (and faced being hung drawn and quartered, if captured) but eventually escaped alive.
OkN7 TIL that a medical device company illegally tested a bone cement on patients killing at least 5 when the cement was injected into their spines and leaked into blood vessels causing massive clots in their hearts and lungs. Company executives received prison sentences of less than a year each.