› added 8 years ago


TIL So dubious was the 2003 documentary, Living With Michael Jackson, that Jackson himself produced a video rebuttal using footage that he recorded parallel to documentarian Martin Bashir’s, after Bashir selectively edited and voiced-over footage to create a false and negative image of Jackson.

Rrj6 TIL Steve Jobs was the “anonymous party” that sold 1.5 million shares of Apple stock in 1997 causing Apple to hit a 12-year low in stock price. That event lead to a boardroom coup of CEO Gil Amelio and placed Steve Jobs as new CEO of Apple.
NXLYe TIL near the end of her life, Ada Lovelace had a religious transformation and began to repent the conduct of her life. After confessing something to her husband 3 months before her death, he abandoned her bedside. It is not known what she told him.
69o4w TIL Legend says the philosopher Laozi wrote about the Dao as he was leaving China and the border guard insisted that he write down his teachings first. Laozi wrote a book about the dao and de in 5000 words and was never seen again
XE04Q TIL that modern fire departments/brigades have their origins from when property-insurance companies had their own fire departments.
dDkMZ TIL about Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate. It is a street in York, England, known for its short length and unusual name. The street's name was first recorded in 1505 as Whitnourwhatnourgate, and later appears as Whitney Whatneygate. It seems to mean "neither-one-thing-nor-the-other street".