› added 8 years ago


TIL So dubious was the 2003 documentary, Living With Michael Jackson, that Jackson himself produced a video rebuttal using footage that he recorded parallel to documentarian Martin Bashir’s, after Bashir selectively edited and voiced-over footage to create a false and negative image of Jackson.

YBNr TIL that a man once escaped a police interrogation room by putting a coat over his handcuffs and walking out the door. He later mailed back the cuffs.
78eWp TIL the earliest known reference to a red carpet is from 458 BC, in an Ancient Greek play. After defeating Troy, the king Agamemnon is welcomed home w/ a carpet of crimson tapestries & silk. He's uncomfortable with it, since to him, only gods walk on such luxury, while mortals should be more humble
rNdOW TIL that the oldest surviving video tape recording is from May 22, 1958 when the US President Dwight Eisenhower dedicates NBC'S WRC-TV new colour television studios in Washington D.C
16OXV TIL Red-Eyed Tree Frogs use “Flash Coloration” which is when an organism displays certain colors at rest versus in motion. When the frog is startled, it can flash its bright red eyes, orange webbed feet, and blue/yellow lateral stripes, which startles predators and allows the frog to escape.
79QO TIL that a 14 year old boy broke into Buckingham Palace and ran off with Queen Victoria’s underwear. He broke in again multiple times and in one of the instances, he was discovered under a sofa in the Queen’s dressing room.