› added 8 months ago


TIL that during the first moon landing, according to the schedule, the astronauts were SUPPOSED to sleep for a few hours first, keeping the entire world waiting, but they could not sleep and asked to go ahead of schedule and leave the lander early.

XEKME TIL the first huge ammonium nitrate disaster happened 104 years before the Beirut explosion in Faversham, Kent, UK, but was hushed up by authorities during the first world war. 108 people lost their lives and many more were injured.
9Xdp TIL Pioneer 10, a space craft meant to study Jupiter which was launched 2 March 1972, was only meant to send signal to Earth for 3 years, but it continued to send signal for over 30 years while heading towards the center of our galaxy.
JWb1 TIL Blockbusting, a business practice used by real estate brokers to buy a house in a white neighbourhood, rent it to a black family, and buy the rest of the neighbourhood at a discounted price after urging nervous white families to leave the neighbourhood.
x6kr5 TIL about Gary DeVore, a screenwriter, who disappeared in 1997 while night driving from Santa Fe, NM to Santa Barbara, CA. A year after disappearing, Devore and his Ford Explorer were found in an aqueduct in Palmdale, CA. Devore's hands, script and gun were missing. His death remains a mystery.
djgd TIL: As a joke on the editor of a Star Wars comic a writer created a Jedi named Master Baytes. The joke wasn’t noticed and it made it through to publishing.