› added 2 years ago


Today I learned Obsidian Entertainment (involved in Planescape: Torment, Kotor II, PoE, Fallout series) worked on a prequel game about Snow White and the Seven Dwarves until it was canceled when Disney declared SW 'untouchable'.

wLKZ8 TIL in 2006, Pvt. Channing Moss was on patrol when his squad was ambushed and an RPG round got lodged in his abdomen. He was evacuated operated on by two surgeons and an explosive expert who had been watching a Grey's Anatomy episode on removing a live grenade. The round was removed and he survived.
Nk1b TIL that Ottoman sultan Mehmed II. was 21 when he conquered Constantinople, was reputed fluent in several languages, including Turkish, Serbian, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Greek and Latin and had an affair with the younger brother of Vlad Drăculea, the literary model for the Bram Stoker’s Dracula
DQKKV TIL Miguel Indurain, 5-time Tour de France winner, had a resting heart rate of just 28 bpm
DPOp TIL that Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower, after serving two terms as President of the United States, sought and received his reinstatement as a General of the Army. Ike believed that history would hardly remember his service as President, but would never forget that he commanded the D-day invasion.
XE8yP TIL of Leona Woods, the only woman physicist on the team which built the world's first nuclear reactor as part of the Manhattan Project. She became a mother during the Project but hid her pregnancy as not to miss work. Afterwards as a professor, she authored >200 papers in physics and astrophysics.