› added 9 months ago


TIL that Nike's meeting went horribly wrong when one of their representatives mispronounced Curry's name, calling him "Steph-on" instead of "Steph-en." Even worse, a repurposed PowerPoint slide displayed Kevin Durant's name and lost Stephen Curry to Under Armour

yQG9w TIL UC Merced’s student population includes more than 73 percent who are the first in their family to attend college — double the national average and by far the highest of any UC campus. Nearly 55 percent of UC Merced’s students are Hispanic, and nine in 10 students receive financial aid
81WP TIL that by the original definition, highly developed countries such as Switzerland and Sweden were seen as “Third World countries”
8ewD4 TIL The Chicago gangster Hymie Weiss had terminal cancer which allowed him to recklessly ignore his own safety. Weiss led a gang war against Al Capone, shooting up Capone's car and hotel, making him "the only man Al Capone feared". Ultimately Weiss was assassinated on October 11th, 1926.
6EDwJ TIL Salvador Dali was a cheapskate who liked to appear generous to his friends by inviting them to fancy restaurants. When it was time to pay the bill, he would write out a check then doodle a sketch on the reverse, knowing that the restauranteur would never cash a check bearing one of his sketches
4XrjR TIL about Newgrange, "an exceptionally grand passage tomb built [in Ireland] during the Neolithic period, around 3200 BC, making it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids."