› added 2 years ago


TIL that a heavily Christianized version of Buddha’s story was immensely popular in Europe in the 11th century as the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat; although British became first aware of Buddhism’s existence as a religion only in the 19th century.

gMOL TIL the 2006 movie ‘Children of Men’ featured content depicting the London 2012 Olympic games
5YPaB TIL Carl Sagan's team wanted to include the Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" on the Voyager Golden Records (discs containing greetings in 60 languages, music and sounds from Earth aboard both Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977), but the record company EMI, which held the copyrights, declined.
b0kQ TIL Teens in the United States and Europe have similar levels of sexual activity. However, European teens are more likely than U.S. teens to use contraceptives generally and to use the most effective methods; they therefore have substantially lower pregnancy rates.
Q70M TIL that the late, famed wrestler, Verne Gagne ‘bodyslammed’ a fellow 97yr old resident in his nursing home and the resident died from his injuries - Police ruled it a homicide. But no charges were pressed due to Verne having dementia.
N7Y1e TIL: With Aliens (1986), Sigourney Weaver received her first Academy Award nomination for Best Actress and although she did not win, it was considered a landmark nomination for an actress to be considered for a science-fiction/horror film, a genre which previously was given little recognition