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TIL Eddie Redmayne spent six months preparing for his role as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, mastering his speech, mannerisms, and physical challenges. Hawking, moved by the portrayal, lent his real electronic voice to the film and even shed a tear at a screening.

Eg800 TIL-Curio Headlines 2023 12 05 1-Strangers send chicken missing toes more than 60 pairs of tiny shoes 2-A Stinky Showdown: Australia Battles Rat Invasion! 3-Is Hawkins Laboratory real?
PY9Ye TIL: the guy that created Wonder Woman was a psychologist that helped invent the polygrah machine, which is why Wonder Woman has the Lasso of Truth. He also believed women were emotionally superior to men and that the U.S. would one day be a matriarchy.
D1EBP TIL that John Paul Jones, the “Father of the American Navy”, a legendary admiral after whom warships were named, was born simply “John Paul”. He added “Jones” when he joined the U.S. Navy because he was a criminal fugitive from England.
pMyb TIL that the elusive “dark matter” in the universe could be detected by looking for time glitches in the existing network of GPS satellites. One researcher is already mining 15 years’ worth of GPS timing data for its signature.
5VeaQ TIL: the original red Gibson SG Special guitar used by Robby Krieger of The Doors’ to audition for the band, write “Light My Fire” on, and record the first two albums, was stolen from the band’s rehearsal room years ago. Krieger is now on a mission to find it, and is even offering a hefty reward.