› added 8 years ago


TIL White supremacist and racist Craig Cobb said he would take a genetic test, and receive the results on live television. He was found to be 14% Sub- Saharan African.

jdbp TIL there was a form of Icelandic witchcraft involving “Necropants” where someone would flay the skin off the legs of a friend’s corpse, steal a coin from a widow, and then wear the skin with the coin in the scrotum. The ritual was supposed to bring wealth.
XAnX TIL of the Battle of Saragarhi where 21 Sikh soldiers chose to fight to the death against 10,000 Pathans and Afghan tribesmen advancing on their signaling post in Saragarhi. It is considered by some military historians as one of history’s great last-stands.
kJJWW TIL Lake Superior State University of Michigan has a "Department of Natural Unicorns" and has been issuing Unicorn Questing licenses since 1971. The questing season is everyday except Valentine's Day and times Santa or the Tooth Fairy are around. They discourage the use of "simulated" virgins.
yQJ8l TIL that 'Passing the Buck' comes from using a buckhorn handled knife to designate the next dealer in a poker game; a player could decline the deal and 'pass the buck'
eGjE TIL that JFK took numerous medications during his time in office prescribed by a doctor nicknamed “Dr. Feelgood”. He was forced to stop administering Kennedy drugs by White House officials, and JFK’s leadership notably improved, leading to successes such as the Cuban Missile Crisis.