› added 10 years ago


TIL that when the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act was passed, only the birdseed industry successfully lobbied against it by arguing that hemp seeds gave birds shinier feathers than other seeds. Because of this, birdseed producers are legally allowed to import hemp seeds into the US (deactivated) today.

DkaY TIL the White House’s Press Briefing Room was originally a swimming pool.
rD0w TIL That during the height of the cold war, Neil Armstrong’s final task on the moon was to place memorial items honoring fallen Russian cosmonauts.
v1l4j TIL, Agent S is a girl. I've had her for years..
xwAB TIL a guy stranded in the desert dismantled his broken down car and made a working motorcycle out of it.
07xp TIL Nearly 37% of purchased Steam games are never played.