› added 9 years ago


TIL In Jimmy Carter’s 1970 run for Gov. of GA, he criticized support of MLK, Jr. and praised segregationist Wallace to win conservative voters. Once he won the election, he declared that “the time of racial segregation was over.” His conservative supporters were shocked. He planned it all along.

POmO TIL the declassified SR-71 pilot’s manual states that it can cruise above mach 3.4… climbs faster than mach 3… and weighs a mind blowing “143,000 lbs”…more than the German King Tiger tank. It first flew in 1962 and is also the first stealth aircraft.
olRA TIL the HBO series Rome featured one of the largest sets ever constructed for a television show, at over 5 acres, and was also one of the most expensive, at over $100,000,000US.
YpEyG TIL that because the two major seafaring provinces of the Netherlands in its Golden Age were Holland and Zeeland, the Dutch explorers originally named the largest landmass of Oceania Nieuw Holland (now Australia) and the two islands to the southeast Nieuw Zeeland (now New Zealand)
GYE01 TIL the marriage of Oscar-winning actress Gloria Grahame (It's A Wonderful Life) to director Nicholas Ray (Rebel Without A Cause) ended in 1950 when he walked in on her in bed with his 13-year-old son -- Her stepson. She secretly married the boy ten years later.
4G5w TIL: after opening the tomb of Casimir IV of Lithuania and Poland in 1973, 4 of the 12 present died within a few days, and 6 more soon afterwards