› added 1 year ago


TIL gerrymandering is named after a famous case where an 1812 district signed into law by Massachusetts Governor, Elbridge Gerry, resembled a salamander. A political cartoon published in the Boston Gazette dubbed it the "Gerry-mander".

yVoBX TIL Fire Ants are an invasive species to the US. The FDA estimates $5 Billion is spent annually on medical treatment, damage, and control in Red Imported Fire Ant infested areas.
OGkQ7 TIL that Pyrocumulonimbus clouds form during intense wildfires when the heat from the fire sends a lot of smoke and hot air high into the atmosphere. This can create a type of cloud that is capable of producing lightning, which can sometimes start new fires.
eO0k TIL Bobby Farrell, male singer of 70’s disco group “Boney M”, known for their hit single “Rasputin”, died while on tour on the anniversary of the death of Rasputin, in the same city where Rasputin died, St.Petersburg.
b6gYZ TIL Chinese jade burial suits could take up to ten years to make and were ordered well in advance of death. Liu Sheng was known as a man who enjoyed good living and by the time he died in 113 BC his stomach had grown so large that another hundred plaques were added.
kJ6K7 TIL that the Simon and Garfunkel's song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" inverts the meaning of "troubled water" found in traditional African-American spirituals. The original line the song was based on was by Gospel singer Claude Jeter and referred to a bridge over "deep" water, not troubled.