› added 10 months ago


Today I learned a musical road is a road which when driven over causes a tactile vibration and audible rumbling that can be felt through the wheels and body of the vehicle. This rumbling is heard within the car as well as the surrounding area, in the form of a musical tune played out.

R7l6Q TIL in 1978 British explorer Tim Severin proved it was possible for a 6th century Irish boat clad in leather to make the journey across the Atlantic from Ireland to North America. This was done to test if St. Brendan the Navigators described journey across the Atlantic was possible at the time.
vP0Dx TIL Paul Robeson was an African American lawyer, stage actor (in New York and London), singer, and pro athlete, who won 15 letters in four varsity sports at Rutgers, was elected Phi Beta Kappa and became his class valedictorian after earning a scholarship at age 17 in 1915
ErgW TIL Margret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, said: “that abortion was the wrong way — no matter how early it was performed it was taking a life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way…because life had not yet begun.”
9Yd57 TIL Thomas Jefferson had a Shetland sheep that he kept on the White House lawn described as "this abominable animal". It would attack people who took shortcuts across the lawn, injuring a few people and killing a small boy.
M7DZB TIL J.D. Power's 2023 US vehicle dependability study has ranked Honda as below industry average, and Chevrolet is ranked higher than Toyota, Mazda and Honda.