› added 3 months ago


TIL: The Dalaketnon are the Filipino folklore equivalent of elves. They live in trees, have pointy ears, are attractive, tall, but the males are light skinned while the females are dark skinned. However, they can enslave humans by feeding them black rice and they have telekinetic powers.

wMN1 TIL that Frank Silva, a set dresser on the pilot of Twin Peaks, was given the role of Bob by accident, after a reflection of his face in a mirror was accidentally captured by the camera during filming. When series creator David Lynch saw Silva’s face, he liked it so much he kept it in the show.
Q7Kk TIL Teddy Roosevelt enthusiastically supported the genocide of American Indians, who he perceived to be an ‘alien race’
kJ6K7 TIL that the Simon and Garfunkel's song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" inverts the meaning of "troubled water" found in traditional African-American spirituals. The original line the song was based on was by Gospel singer Claude Jeter and referred to a bridge over "deep" water, not troubled.
jOen TIL Google offers employees free condoms that come in blue, red, green, and yellow and have the phrase “I’m Feeling Lucky!” printed on them.
6EVyX TIL that in 1986, when a five year old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure and lost consciousness, a male gorilla named Jambo stood between the boy and the other gorillas in a protective gesture, he even stroke the boy's back. This incident helped create a positive public perception of gorillas.