› added 10 months ago


TIL Most people don't dream about their smartphones because our dreams are an evolved defense mechanism, we tend to dream more often about fears and concerns that were relevant to our ancestors — so, less about, say, hacking, and more about running from wild animals

kOJeE All muscles are capable of cramping, but the ones farthest away from your spinal cord—in your feet and lower legs, for example—tend to be the most vulnerable to seizing up. The long, spindly nerve cells that run from the spinal cord to the toes are especially prone to damage. The prevalence of nerve damage increases with age, so the elderly are among the most common victims.
R7wr9 TIL In 1941, some Soviet tanks were so superior to German ones, that a single KV tank stalled the German advance for a full day while being attacked by a variety of anti-tank weapons and was overrun only because it finally ran out of ammunition
LQ0Qv TIL that some women used to douche with Coca-Cola after sex as a means of preventing pregnancy and that a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Diet Coke is a more potent spermicide than regular Coke.
Lkrdr TIL a Troy ounce of Gold is more than twice as valuable as a Troy ounce of platinum
g6OD TIL lipstick may contain metal in toxic amounts. Daily use of lipstick and/or lip gloss may expose women to excessive amounts of the metal chromium which is associated with stomach cancer. Also, 75% of products tested contain lead. There is no way for consumers to find out a product’s metal content.