› added 1 year ago


TIL: Wham! was the 1st western pop act to ever perform in China, documenting the trip in the movie Wham! in China: Foreign Skies. Before the duo took the stage in Beijing, Chinese officials warned the audience that dancing was forbidden and then hauled away anyone caught dancing during the concert.

Y7P0d TIL that Nazi Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner was especially harsh on deserters, even putting out an order in 1945 that all soldiers found deserting were to be court-martialled and immediately hung, and that later that year he deserted his own post.
8aoxK TIL trigger warnings are unhelpful in reducing anxiety. Trigger warnings also do not reduce anxiety among people who met a clinical cutoff for PTSD symptoms, reported a diagnosis of PTSD, or reported that the stimuli matched the content of their past trauma.
9bEm TIL in WW2, Nazis rigged skewed-hanging-pictures with explosives in buildings that would be prime candidates for Allies to set up a command post from. When Ally officers would set up a command post, they tended to straighten the pictures, triggering these “anti-officer crooked picture bombs”
MekWm TIL Andorra is ruled by two Co-princes, the President of France and the Bishop of Urdell. Up until 1993, Andorra would pay a tribute of ~$460 to the French President on odd numbered years, while on even numbered years, the Bishop would receive ~$12, plus six hams, six cheeses, and six live chickens.
4rdX TIL Martin Luther King Jr. engaged in extramarital affairs throughout his life. “[MLK] understood and believed in the biblical prohibition against sex outside marriage. It was just that he had a particularly difficult time with that temptation.”