› added 8 years ago


TIL Michael Crichton had an MD from Harvard, although he never obtained a license to practice medicine. He also believed patients too often shunned responsibility for their own health, relying on doctors as miracle workers rather than advisors.

pYAaN TIL: According to a 2016 study, having a first-class section on an airplane quadruples the chances of an air rage incident. Furthermore, loading economy passengers through first class doubles the chances again.
Y7Vw7 TIL that when the clocks go back at the end of daylight saving time (today in some places) is the day with the fewest heart attacks since everyone has 1hr more of sleep. Correspondingly the day with the most heart attacks is when daylight saving starts in the spring
5YPyk TIL The iconic whip featured in modern Zorro films (1998, 2005) originated from The Gay Blade (1981) in which Zorro is replaced by his flamboyantly gay brother who goes by the name Bunny Wigglesworth who swapped out the previously iconic sword for a whip.
xreD TIL that take-out restaurants existed in ancient Rome, with service counters opening onto the street to pick up food. More than 200 existed in Pompeii, and most of its homes lacked dining or kitchen areas, suggesting that cooking at home was unusual.
9Y1VX TIL "University of Georgia researchers & colleagues from other universities have developed a jelly-like substance that may help catastrophic breaks knit together. Stem cells are the key ingredient in what the scientists call 'bone putty'" aka "Fracture Putty".