› added 5 years ago


TIL That only 3 people have died in space. Russian astronauts: Georgy Dobrovolsky, Viktor Patsayev, Vladislav Volkov were all killed at the same time due to an undocking malfunction in 1971. Whilst there have been fatalities during take-off and re-entry, those 3 are the only to die IN space.

16wKd TIL of "Fruits of Philosophy" a 1832 book describing methods of contraceptions. Writing about an 'obscene' topic the author, physician Charles Knowlton, was prosecuted and jailed. With the book's sensetive topic it was published as a measly 3 by 2.5 inches to make it easy for women to hide
x6LYD TIL about Qian Xuesen, an early scientist at Jet Propulsion Lab who was later accused of being a communist and was deported to China where he helped start that country's satellite and rocket industries, a move a US Secretary of Navy later said was "the stupidest thing this country ever did"
QNQBL TIL that when Jim Morrison returned after his absence during the original recording session of the 11-min song “When The Music’s Over,” his bandmates refused to re-record the song. After being persuaded to layer his vocals on the original version, Morrison recorded his vocals in one single take.
0w64M TIL on January 8th 1297, Francois Grimaldi, a genoan dressed as a Franciscan friar, captured the castle of Monaco by ruse. His descendants still rule Monaco today.
1ajRW TIL that it was possible to buy your way out of the Civil War draft, on both the Union and Confederate sides, if you had enough money to pay someone else to sign up in your place.