› added 5 years ago


TIL Malaysia has a unique ceremonial monarchy system where nine monarchs each take turns being king. Malaysia has nine states with traditional Malay kings. The top throne of the country is rotated amongst them as a power compromise.

jNeVX TIL that the Rhinoceros Party of Canada, a satirical, federally registered political party in Canada, received 1.01% of the popular vote in the 1980 federal election campaigning to repeal the law of gravity and provide higher education by building taller schools, among other promises.
ybWJ TIL Ger Frits, a man from Amsterdam has organised the funerals of the 20 or so people who die completely alone each year. He places flowers on the coffin and accompanies it on its last journey. A poem is also written for the dead person and read at their funeral
b9kB7 TIL that Christmas is banned in North Korea and instead of Christmas, the birthday of Kim Jong-suk (grandmother of the current supreme leader of North Korea) is celebrated on Christmas eve. However, some North Korean Christian believers still celebrate Christmas in secret.
jlya TIL actor John Hurt played polar opposite roles in both 1984 and V for Vendetta, first as Winston, the protagonist being oppressed by Big Brother in 1984, and then as High Chancellor Sutler, the Big Brother-like oppressor in V for Vendetta.
J1OMm TIL There is no patent for the chicken nugget. The process to make the processed poultry product was invented by Robert C. Baker, a food sciences professor at Cornell University who published papers pertaining to possible poultry recipes in the 1950s.