› added 7 years ago


TIL of Dean Karzanes, the man who can run 350 miles without stopping due to a genetic condition.

yQk5e TIL that a recent study indicated 87% of former football players exhibit signs of significant brain injury. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy -CVT- has been linked to suicidal behavior, dementia, and erratic mood swings. Players as young as high-school aged were found to be affected.
8aPwK TIL Edgar Wright conceived "Baby Driver" in 1995 after he envisioned a bank robbery and car chase set to the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's 1994 song "Bellbottoms", which he used at the film's opening scene. The film features choreography in which the actors' actions synchronize with its soundtrack.
nWn8B TIL To get a convincing performance out of the boy that played the kidnapped child in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Spielberg&Co. wore gorilla and clown costumes off-camera to surprise him, and slowly opened presents to get his wide-eyed amazed reaction to seeing aliens in his kitchen.
b077 TIL in June 1984 the prime minister of New Zealand, Robert Muldoon, drunkenly announced on national television that a snap election was to be held in a month’s time. With 93.7% of voters turning out for the election, he lost. The occasion is sometimes remembered as the ‘Schnapps election’.
7rVeb TIL: In 1947, the Superman radio show did a series called "Clan of the Fiery Cross" in which they exposed many of the KKK's most guarded secrets. Within two weeks of the broadcast, KKK recruitment was down to zero. And by 1948, people were showing up to Klan rallies just to mock them.