› added 10 years ago


TIL: Swedish warship Vasa, it sank in 1628 and was recovered from the ocean in 1961 almost completely intact. This is the only remaining intact ship from the 1600’s. This ship is housed in The Vasa Museum in Stockholm Sweden. A museum built around the ship.

ENpp TIL that the King family does not believe James Earl Ray was responsible for the assassination of MLK, and that King’s wife won a civil suit that implied government involvement.
a8J59 TIL about the Tarantula Hawk, a type of spider wasp which preys on Tarantulas. The wasp uses its sting to paralyze the spider and drags it to its nest. It then lays a single egg on it. When the egg hatches the larva eats the spider alive slowly and by avoiding vital organs.
9YXbD TIL that a county in Oregon advertised that it was hiring Klingon translators for its mental health program, in case patients came into a psychiatric hospital speaking nothing but Klingon. They later clarified that this wasn't a situation they had faced, and only a precaution for a hypothetical case
OGGy4 TIL There's a medical procedure that involves inserting a catheter into an artery in the leg to reach the brain. a dye is then injected and an x ray is performed. this is done on no/local anasthesia. it's called a cerebral DSA
JY7Bm TIL Tomochichi, renown Native American Chief and friend to the english was given a monument and burial site at the center of Savannah, GA's Wright Square, only to have it destroyed and replaced with a monument to a railroad man in 1883.