› added 1 month ago


TIL the performer at the Paris Olympics faced harsh online criticism for his "blue scrotum" act.He explained that he wrote a song called "Nude" and said that the first Olympic athletes in Greece were depicted naked, highlighting the origins of the Games.

g6gy TIL that during the depression when the flour companies learned that poor Americans were sewing flour bags together to make clothing they started packing their flour in pretty patterned packing material to encourage potential dress makers to buy their flour
Me8NB TIL The initial 1972 meeting between President Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong was planned for fifteen minutes, but it lasted about an hour. Mao seemed to only want to talk philosophic questions, although Nixon brought up questions like the India-Pakistan crisis, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea
6995J TIL that, according to Diogenes Laërtius, Metrocles of Maroneia became a Cynic philosopher after having farted while practicing a speech. He became very upset, but after another philosopher (Crates) himself farted to demonstrate how natural it was, Metrocles was persuaded to let go of his shame.
YpEVG TIL If certain kind of music (such as Icelandic hymns) brings you goosebumps, you may have the ability to experience intense emotions which is because there are differences in your brain structure (Brain connectivity reflects human aesthetic responses to music)
6NL7 TIL Harvard University has it’s own food chart that doesn’t include dairy or meat as categories