› added 1 year ago


TIL a record company once sued singer John Fogerty for plagiarizing a song written by...John Fogerty!

x68dD TIL of "Snowzilla", a giant snowman that was erected annually each Christmas season from 2005 to 2013, and again in 2023, by Billy Powers and other local residents of Anchorage, Alaska. Originally 16 feet tall, "Snowzilla" grew to 22 feet tall in 2006, and 25 feet tall in 2008.
Wknxo TIL there’s a species of parasitic nematode that induces “fruit-mimicry” in tropical ants. Infected ants develop bright red abdomens, tend to be more sluggish, and walk with their abdomens in a conspicuous elevated position. This causes frugivorous birds to confuse them for berries.
Me0p7 TIL a contronym is a word that has contradictory meanings. Examples include - Bolt: to secure, or to flee. Bound: restrained, or heading somewhere. Go: to proceed, or to weaken or fail. Consult: to offer advice, or to obtain it.
oVdA TIL that a popular 17th century Chinese concoction of pickled fish & spices called “kê-chiap” was picked up by the English explorers. The English settlers took it with them to the American colonies. This concoction became quite popular and we know it today as Ketchup.
BPyr TIL in the 1980s a man with severe OCD shot himself in the head in an attempt to commit suicide. Instead of killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain that was responsible for his OCD, and he went on to become a straight-A college student five years later.