› added 1 year ago


TIL despite the "Florence Nightingale Effect" being named for the English nurse, there are no records of her ever falling in love with a patient. The "syndrome" borrows her name because of her famous compassion and tenderness for her patients

GAD91 TIL that Aimo Allan Koivunen was a Finnish soldier in the Continuation War and the first documented case of a soldier overdosing on methamphetamine during combat. He escaped Soviet forces, was injured by a land mine, and stayed in a ditch for a week, after having skied more than 400 km (248.5 mi).
wor47 TIL Christopher Hitchens, in his book "God is not Great", suggests that the pork prohibition found in Semitic religions is based in the proscription of human sacrifice, extended to pigs because of the similarities in appearance and flavor between pork and human flesh.
oYn8 TIL that Hans and Margret Rey, two jews, fled Paris in 1940 on bicycles Hans had built. They escaped just hours before the Nazis seized Paris. Among the few possessions they carried was the illustrated manuscript of the first Curious George book, which they would later get published in New York.
RDZw TIL that Frank Sinatra’s death coincided with the Seinfeld series finale. Sinatra’s ambulance was able to arrive to his house and then the hospital quickly because of low traffic due to much of Los Angeles being inside to watch the show
JY988 TIL Notorious Hellraiser and actor Oliver Reed once “kidnapped” the milkman while delivering to his home in Surrey, and took him on a two-day drinking binge.