› added 4 months ago


TIL that George Orwell participated in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939); after travelling as a journalist for reporting on the war, he later enlisted as a soldier against fascism. In the photo some of his comrades can be seen with Ernest Hemingway in the background (1937).

oBk1r TIL train robber Elmer McCurdy's mummified corpse was used as decoration in carnivals during the 1920's and wasn't properly identified as real until 1976. It scared a young boy named Mark Taylor so greatly it stuck with him into adulthood, and inspired him to create He-Man's nemesis: Skeletor.
9YA1X TIL that rainbow are actually in shape of a full circle. We just can't see the whole round because our surrounding land gets in the way. But if we stand in a higher altitude than our surrounding as well as the sun we can actually see the whole rainbow.
N7wJb TIL in 2008 Prince Charles paid a nearly 400 years old debt of £453.15, made by King Charles II, who did not have enough money for the clothes of his soldiers, before the last battle of the British civil war.
R7nE6 Til that dogs can eat raw chicken bones. The issue is with any cooked bone. Cooked bones become dry and brittle which can crack and splinter leading to choking, internal injuries, punctured organs, and, or death. All cooked bones should be disposed of properly and not be given as treats.
NXE9b TIL: Dorothy Martin started a Doomsday cult in the 50's based on automatic writing w/ "aliens". Though she incorrectly predicted several End of the World events leading to public humiliation, her writings would inspire other cults, including Heavens Gate and lead to the study of Cognitive Dissonance