› added 7 years ago


TIL Joseph Williams contributed the “singing voice” for adult Simba in The Lion King. Joseph was the lead singer for the band Toto, who wrote a hit song called “Africa.”

loAX1 TIL that Filipino churches built during Spain's colonial period used millions of egg whites in the concrete to make it more durable. This is also why Filipino desserts often use lots of egg yolks- many were developed to use up all the extra yolks from construction projects.
KOAM9 TIL that in 1968, four submarines sank mysteriously. An Israeli sub disappeared in January - four days later, a French sub went missing and was never seen again. In March a Soviet sub exploded and sank, and in May a US sub also exploded and sank - both causes remain officially unknown.
6AwY TIL in 2011 Texas abolished last-meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a large meal and didn’t eat any of it. His order included two chicken steaks, a triple- cheeseburger, a bowl of fried okra, a pound of barbecued meat, three fajitas, and a meat-lover’s pizza.
6EG4l TIL Actor Kal Penn raised over $800,000 for charity in the name of a guy who commented that Kal ‘doesn’t belong in America’
Wk054 TIL certain antidepressants can actually increase the risk of suicide, especially in young adults. When a depressed person wants to commit suicide, they often lack the energy to do so. However, certain antidepressants can give the edge needed to move from plan to action.