› added 4 years ago


TIL that the pepper spray used by law enforcement agencies has some of the highest ratings (2M - 4.5M SHUs)on the Scoville Scale -- the measurement of the pungency (spiciness or "heat"). The rank alongside/higher than some of the hottest Capsicum chili peppers on the planet.

naPr TIL that Doc Holliday’s last words, while looking at his bootless feet while laying in bed, were “Damn, this is funny.” Apparently he, like many others, never believed he would die in a bed with his boots off.
W7olY TIL that Superman's name in Hebrew is translated as Kal, meaning "voice", and El, meaning "of God." So his name literally means the voice of God. Though Superman is mostly interpreted as a Christ allegory today, the entire thing is actually based on Moses. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were Jewish
rRGM4 TIL of Dennis H. Klatt, a computer scientist who programmed Stephen Hawking's voice box. He tirelessly worked on the code while undergoing treatment for cancer, which eventually took his own voice, and his life. Hawking never changed his voice program, saying, "My friend Dennis' voice is my voice"
KYyO6 TIL that Queen Anne of Great Britain had seven miscarriages, five stillbirths, two children who died shortly after birth, two who died in infancy, and one who died at age 11. She left no heirs and was succeeded by her second cousin.
WkEnY TIL of a form of debugging called rubber duck debugging, where you debug code by explaining it. The name is in reference to the book "The Pragmatic Programmer" where a programmer would debug code by explaining it, word by word, to his rubber duck.