› added 4 years ago


TIL the word 'propaganda' derives from a committee of Catholic cardinals set up in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV, the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (the Sacred College for Propagating the Faith), called Propaganda for short. It's aim was to spread the Catholic faith in non-Catholic countries.

0dJyv TIL: The Akaname is a Japanese yokai (demon)... who licks the filth and scum present in bathtubs and bathrooms and translates to filth licker. It one story, it can transform into a beautiful woman who appears in a hot spring, offers to scrub a man's back, only to lick him down to the bones.
oDo8 TIL there is a grandmother that was attacked by a bear. After the attack she sewed her scalp, re-set her dislocated legs and then killed the bear…and ate it.
0571 [TIL] Four months after shooting American Sniper Chris Kyle dead, Eddie Routh confessed “I was just riding in the back seat of the truck, and nobody would talk to me. They were just taking me to the range, so I shot them. I feel bad about it, but they wouldn’t talk to me.”
KO7d9 TIL the actual definition of an "Influencer" is not one who influences life choices, but rather they influence their subscribers to buy a product, i.e. product placement for brand recognition.
Lk4GZ TIL While hunting down a rival in 1963, Hiatian president Francois Duvalier was told that the rival had transformed himself into a black dog, which prompted Duvalier to order that all black dogs in Haiti be put to death