› added 4 years ago


TIL of Whitney Cerak. In 2006 she was involved in a vehicular accident in Indiana that left her in comatose and badly injured. But there was a mixed up. She was misidentified as the other lady who actually died. The other family & friends took care of her. The mistake was seen only after 5 weeks.

1LBr TIL of Bill Baird, who was convicted as a felon in 1967 for giving a speech to 1,500 college students about birth control and then handing out one package of condoms and one of contraceptive foam. His actions would not be legal until 1972.
WkbYL TIL of Julius Lothar Meyer who was a German chemist. He was one of the pioneers in developing the first periodic table of chemical elements. Both Mendeleev and Meyer worked with Robert Bunsen. He never used his first given name, and was known throughout his life simply as Lothar Meyer.
85vL TIL Richard Nixon refused to shake hands with anyone from San Francisco because he felt it was “the most faggy goddamned thing you could imagine.”
nWyYb TIL that there is a "witch window" also known as a "Vermont window," found almost exclusively in Vermont. These slanted windows are installed at a 45-degree angle in the gable-end wall of a house and are designed to prevent witches from flying into the home on their brooms.
D1dxJ TIL that despite 12 indictments and several convictions of high level officials involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, all perpetrators were either pardoned or had sentences overturned resulting in no prison time. The only person to go to jail was a minister who stole a street sign in protest.