› added 4 years ago


TIL that Caligula’s uncle survived the assassination of his nephew by hiding behind a curtain. As he was the last man of his family, he was declared emperor. Despite his lack of experience, he proved to be an able administrator. He had also survived past purges due to his infirmity.

R7yvQ TIL ancient remains of at least 15 humans were found in a chamber in a cave, 80 m from the entrance, only 25–50 cm at its narrowest, and at the bottom of a 12 m vertical drop, in complete darkness and with no evidence of any tools or fire. They were from the previously undiscovered Homo Naledi.
VMep TIL George Koval: Soviet master spy that infiltrated the Manhattan project, stole nearly all of our nuclear secrets, single-handedly provided the key technology for Russia’s nuclear arsenal, and was only discovered as a spy in 2002.
4XQ7X Today I Learned that the # symbol isn’t officially called the hashtag or the pound sign. It’s technical name is octothorpe. The “octo” means “eight” referring to how many points it has.
5k1r TIL that a Teri Horton, a bargain hunter, bought a $5 painting at a thrift shop. The painting was an original Jackson Pollock and is worth $50 Million.
kOxym TIL The Quran allows coffee because it defines intoxicants as which “covers the intellect,” i.e., causes inebriation or drunkenness like beer, or euphoria such as cocaine or amphetamines.Caffeine is not an intoxicant in that sense, but rather only a mild stimulant and hence permissible