› added 2 years ago


TIL the Fibonacci Sequence was identified by ancient Indian author Pingala around 200 BC. Writing about meters in Sanskrit poetry, he also described binary numbers (in the form of short & long syllables, similar to Morse code), Pascal's Triangle, and the first known explicit reference to zero.

9r8G TIL Japan Wants To Turn The Moon Into A Giant Power Plant
Jal4 TIL Wasps Can Recognize Faces
kJdDd TIL that an old 12 inch tall Jack Russell Terrier named George sacrificed his life to save 5 children from a dog attack. George was celebrated and a statue was made in his honor.
oB5KA TIL Hitchcock's famous fright film Psycho turns 60
p7G8 TIL that two zebras died of hunger in a zoo in Palestine and were replaced with donkeys painted with black and white stripes.